Counter-Strike Wiki

Aubrey Pullman is a video game environment artist who worked at Hidden Path Entertainment between November 2010 and April 2013.[1][2] He worked on environment lighting, tone mapping and color correction for Counter-Strike: Global Offensive maps.[3][4]

List of Maps[]

Map Name Game(s) Responsibilities Year
Balkan Game icon 730 (cut) Lighting artist 2012
Monastery Game icon 730 Lighting artist 2012
Vertigo Game icon 730 Lighting artist 2012


  1. Pullman, Aubrey. "Aubrey Pullman's Profile". LinkedIn.
  2. Aubrey Pullman's resume on
  3. Aubrey Pullman's website.
  4. Aubrey Pullman on Behance. Archived from the original on 2023-05-30.