Counter-Strike Wiki


  • In Casual game mode players will earn an additional XP score point for every round in which they dealt damage to enemies.
  • Added a server setting "sv_vote_to_changelevel_rndmin" to control rounds/time during which voting for a level change is allowed.
  • Official game servers in Casual game mode now allow voting for a level change only at the end of the match or during the first round of the match.
  • Official game servers in Deathmatch and Arms Race game modes now allow voting for a level change only at the end of the match or during the first minute of the match.
  • Restricted upward movement of a player when a teammate is boosted on their head.
  • Dead players are no longer allowed to pick up ground weapons.
  • Buy menu will automatically close if the switch team menu opens.
  • Rescuing a hostage now increments objectives counter in match stats.

[ UI ][]

  • Improved legibility of damage given and taken in post-round damage report.
  • Made spec target highlighting more pronounced.
  • Player names are now visible on mini scoreboard whenever the mini scoreboard is expanded.

[ MAPS ][]
