Counter-Strike Wiki
Tour of Duty

Dust (de_dust_cz) is the first map in the Tour of Duty game mode of Counter-Strike: Condition Zero.


Bomb Defuse Scenario: Your Team must prevent the Terrorists from detonating their bomb at one of the bombsites. To win, defuse the bomb or eliminate all of the Terrorists.


Challenges Friendly Fire
  • You must kill an enemy.
Name Aggression Difficulty Weapon Other Notes
Weasel Passive Easy Scout
Lunatic Aggressive Easy Random
Crackpot Moderate Easy UMP45
If the mission had been completed once, the following enemies will appear in addition to the above:
Rat Passive Fair MP5
Screech Moderate Fair P90
Madman Aggressive Fair MAC-10

Challenges Friendly Fire
  • You must kill 5 enemies.
  • You must kill an enemy and survive the round.
  • You must win a round in less than 75 seconds.
Name Aggression Difficulty Weapon Other Notes
Madman Aggressive Fair MAC-10
Rat Passive Fair MP5
Screech Moderate Fair P90
If the mission had been completed once, the following enemies will appear in addition to the above:
Worm Moderate Fair MP5
Splinter Low Fair Scout
Maniac Aggressive Normal P90

Challenges Friendly Fire
  • You must kill 7 enemies.
  • You must kill 2 enemies and survive the round.
  • You must win a round in less than 60 seconds.
Name Aggression Difficulty Weapon Other Notes
Freak Moderate Normal AK-47
Maniac Aggressive Normal P90
Psycho Low Normal AWP
Rebel Moderate Tough AK-47
Fiend Aggressive Tough AK-47 Prefers M4A1
If the mission had been completed once, the following enemies will appear in addition to the above:
Vandal Passive Tough AK-47 Prefers M4A1 with silencer

Challenges Friendly Fire
  • You must kill 10 enemies.
  • You must kill 2 enemies and survive the round.
  • You must win a round in less than 45 seconds.
Name Aggression Difficulty Weapon Other Notes
Rebel Moderate Tough AK-47
Fiend Aggressive Tough AK-47 Prefers M4A1
Vandal Passive Tough AK-47 Prefers M4A1 with silencer
Razor Low Hard AWP
Bandit Passive Hard P90
If the mission had been completed once, the following enemies will appear in addition to the above:
Raider Moderate Hard AK-47 Prefers M4A1
Blade Aggressive Hard AK-47

Strategy for Tour of Dutys[]

  • In Round 1, the terrorists will always invariably attack Bombsite A through the tunnel route, so at the start of Round 1, you should always rush near the entrance to the tunnel and throw smoke bombs or flashbangs inwards, then rush into the tunnel with your weapon drawn to kill the terrorists in order to complete the kill mission (Hard or Expert's Kill two and Survive mission,). Flashbangs and smoke grenades are not even needed on Easy and Normal difficulties). The mission is to kill the terrorists in the tunnels and complete the kills.
  • After completing the kills in the tunnels, the remaining terrorists can be left to your teammates to hunt down and kill, which should be easy work.
  • The most preferred place for terrorists to plant bomb would normally be Bombsite A, so if a bomb has been planted, it should be cleared and inspected as a matter of priority.