Counter-Strike Wiki

When a member of the Coalition Taskforce goes rogue and joins The Phoenix, it falls on legendary sniper Sebastien Hennequet to form an elite unit to hunt him down. Join Sebastien as he teaches you the skills required to assassinate this vindictive operator.

Introduced as part of Operation Bloodhound, the Marksman campaign is the first campaign available to the player as part of the operation.

The Marksman campaign is made up of many missions of varying difficulty. Unlike the previous operation's campaigns, the missions tracks are not separated by difficulty, but rather integrate various difficulties throughout a non-linear track.

The mission briefings in Marksman are narrated by the player's new Commanding Officer, Sebastien Hennequet. Sebastian informs the player of the campaign's ultimate target, the defector Chase Turner, a former Counter-Terrorist operative now working for the Phoenix Connexion. The player initially undergoes training for the eventual confrontation with Turner under Sebastien's instruction against various Terrorist groups. The player graduates by assassinating Sergei. Afterwards, the player focuses against the Phoenix Connexion, eventually assassinating Turner.

Three of the missions are coincidental to the primary focus of the campaign, and have the player accepting work from the legendary arms dealer Booth.


The Hunt Begins  (501)

Mission Unlock(s) Reward
Score 30 P250 kills in Deathmatch: Op. Bloodhound Group matches.

300 XP
+20 XP per kill-if also a headshot.

Brief Audio
“Hello, my name is Sebastien Hennequet, and I’ll be your CO for Operation Bloodhound. Our purpose? Track down one of the most dangerous operators working for The Phoenix. Under my training you will become more than a soldier… you’ll become a hunter. But before we begin our work with a rifle, you have to learn how to live long enough to get one. Become an expert with your sidearm, it’s the fastest way to get the resources you’ll need.”
Sebastien Hennequet

Training Day  (502)

Mission Unlock(s) Reward
Score 10 AWP kills in Casual: Reserves Group matches.

200 XP
+20 XP per kill-if the weapon is from the Lake Collection.

Brief Audio
“Until he betrayed us all, Chase Turner was a decorated member of the Coalition Taskforce. It’s suicide to engage him one on one, but with the right coordination we can kill him before he knows he’s in your crosshairs. The AWP is reliable and deadly, and the first tool of the trade you need to master.”
Sebastien Hennequet
Alternate Brief Audio
“Until he betrayed us all, Chase Turner was a decorated member of the Coalition Taskforce. Seeing as you’re the one who put him down… it’s only fitting you carry on his legacy with the AWP.”
Sebastien Hennequet

Team Player  (503)

Mission Unlock(s) Reward
Deal 1,500 SSG 08 damage to enemies in Casual: Active Duty Group matches.

200 XP
+1 XP per 15 damage-when the map is Train.

Brief Audio
“Despite what Lt. Sabri may think, our victory depends on teamwork, not individual performance. You’re not alone out there: so even if you can’t get a kill shot, sometimes wounding the enemy can be enough to tip the scales. Use the SSG08 to support your allies.”
Sebastien Hennequet

A Lesson in Restraint  (504)

Mission Unlock(s) Reward
Score 40 AUG kills in Deathmatch: Zoo matches.

200 XP
+5 XP per kill-when scoped.

Brief Audio
“Since aligning himself with Valeria, Turner does whatever he can to keep us off balance… forcing us to panic and lose focus. But precision is the hallmark of a great operator… it’s easy to wield an Aug(sic) like a cudgel, but can you use it as a scalpel?”
Sebastien Hennequet
Alternate Brief Audio
“Precision is the hallmark of a great operator… it’s easy to wield an Aug(sic) like a cudgel, but can you use it as a scalpel?”
Sebastien Hennequet

Versatility is The Key  (505)

Mission Unlock(s) Reward
Score 20 kills in Demolition matches.

Challenge Award: ★
Csgo-campaign-difficulty complete 1

200 XP
+10 XP per kill-when the weapon is from the Lake Collection.

Brief Audio
“We’ve launched 5 unsuccessful attempts on Turners(sic) life… he evaded us twice by using bad intel to trap us: if that happens to you, you need to be prepared for anything.”
Sebastien Hennequet
Alternate Brief Audio
“With Turner dead, you can bet Valeria will be looking for vengence… being able to adapt will be key to your survival.”
Sebastien Hennequet

The Prodigal Son  (506)

Mission Unlock(s) Reward
Score 50 SSG 08 human or chicken kills in Deathmatch: Op. Bloodhound Group matches.

300 XP
+3 XP per kill-when the target is a chicken.

Brief Audio
“The man we hunt is Chase Turner. He was a friend to many of us, and a protégé of mine… the most gifted sniper I ever trained. Valeria’s words have twisted him beyond recognition, and when the time comes it will fall on us to put him down. Let’s begin your training with the SSG08.”
Sebastien Hennequet
Alternate Brief Audio
“Chase Turner was a friend to many of us, and a protégé of mine… I take no joy in his death, but he had to be put down. Ah, we mustn’t dwell in the past… but look towards the future.”
Sebastien Hennequet

Tools of the Trade  (507)

Mission Unlock(s) Reward
Score 40 AWP kills in Deathmatch: Mirage matches.

300 XP
+15 XP per kill-when in a kill streak of 3 or more.

Brief Audio
“There’s a reason why the AWP is the bread and butter for many a marksman. I’ve seen firsthand how one pull of the trigger can change the world… perfect your aim, and you might do the same one day.”
Sebastien Hennequet

No Scope No Problem  (508)

Mission Unlock(s) Reward
Score 60 Desert Eagle kills in Deathmatch: Dust II matches.

300 XP
+5 XP per kill-when the weapon is from the Chroma 2 Collection.

Brief Audio
“Let’s see if you have the discipline to learn what Lt. Sabri couldn’t. Not all precision instruments come with a scope. In the right hands, a Desert Eagle is still effective at long range and is a fraction of the cost of an AWP. And as you know… early success can shape the rest of the battle.”
Sebastien Hennequet

Finders Keepers  (509)

Mission Unlock(s) Reward
Score 20 CZ75-Auto or any enemy weapon kills in Casual: Active Duty Group matches.

Challenge Award: ★★
Csgo-campaign-difficulty complete 2

300 XP
+15 XP per kill-when using an enemy's gun.

Brief Audio
“We can’t always control the terms of a skirmish, and the unfortunate reality of war is that rifles aren’t cheap. If Turner comes for you, you might not have your preferred rifle, and if that happens you have to be prepared to use whatever is on hand.”
Sebastien Hennequet
Alternate Brief Audio
“We can’t always control the terms of a skirmish, and the unfortunate reality of war is that rifles aren’t cheap. If Valeria comes for you, you might not have your preferred rifle, and if that happens you have to be prepared to use whatever is on hand.”
Sebastien Hennequet

The Berenger Technique  (510)

Mission Unlock(s) Reward
Score 15 AWP kills within your first 3 shots of the round in Casual: Active Duty Group matches.

300 XP
+40 XP per kill-when accomplished with your first shot of the round.

Brief Audio
“The success or failure of our missions hinge on brief moments: looking around the right corner… pulling the trigger at the right time… I’m giving you three shots to kill your target… you should need only one.”
Sebastien Hennequet

Graduation Day  (511)

Mission Unlock(s) Reward
Find and kill the Terrorist Sergei in Casual: Militia matches.

300 XP

Brief Audio
“It’s graduation day. We’ve identified the location of Sergei, one of Valeria’s low ranking lieutenants. Find him. Kill him…and prove to me that you’re ready to hunt Turner.”
Sebastien Hennequet

War Games  (512)

Mission Unlock(s) Reward
Score 15 kills in Arms Race: St. Marc matches.

200 XP
+10 XP per kill-when the weapon is from the Italy Collection.

Brief Audio
“We received word that Turner’s terrorist cell has mobilized, this our last chance for weapons training before we go on the hunt.”
Sebastien Hennequet
Alternate Brief Audio
“Turner may be dead, but his cell is still out there. We must stay vigilant and keep our skills sharp.”
Sebastien Hennequet

Turn, Turn, Turn  (513)

Mission Unlock(s) Reward
Score 8 Competitive round wins in matches on Season.

200 XP

Brief Audio
“This doesn’t make any sense… The Phoenix are raiding Season, but that target doesn’t fit in Turner’s MO… the target’s not political, and the battlefield is too claustrophobic. Be careful when you’re leaving bombsite A… there's a ladder that leads you to a perfect sniping roost: Turner might be waiting for you.”
Sebastien Hennequet
Alternate Brief Audio
“The Phoenix are raiding the Season Corporation, we need to deploy now!”
Sebastien Hennequet

Honoring Lord William  (514)

Mission Unlock(s) Reward
Score 8 Competitive round wins in matches on Cobblestone.

200 XP

Brief Audio
Turner’s greatest blow against us came when he assassinated Lord William, one of the Coalition Taskforce’s biggest political and financial supporters. By holding control of a tower he was able to pick off every operator we sent to Rescue Lord William… we can never let history repeat itself.”
Sebastien Hennequet

Punching Tickets  (515)

Mission Unlock(s) Reward
Score 10 AWP kills in Casual: Rails matches.

200 XP
+40 XP per kill-if also a headshot.

Brief Audio
“We noticed Phoenix activity at an abandoned rail yard… be careful as you secure the area: It may look like you’re surrounded by cover but there are plenty of places that overlook the yard, particularly at bombsite B.”
Sebastien Hennequet

Sand Storm  (516)

Mission Unlock(s) Reward
Score 6 Competitive round wins in matches on Mirage.

200 XP

Brief Audio
“We tracked Turner’s men to a shopping district the Maghreb region: tread softly when moving down side alleys to bombsite B. There’s a house with excellent visibility where Turner’s men can plan an ambush.”
Sebastien Hennequet
Alternate Brief Audio
“An anonymous tip reported Phoenix activity in a small town in the Maghreb. Something about this doesn’t feel right… be careful when moving down the side alleys… there may be an ambush.”
Sebastien Hennequet

Guardian Angel  (517)

Mission Unlock(s) Reward
Score 10 hostage pickups in Casual: Assault matches.

Challenge Award: ★
Csgo-campaign-difficulty complete 1

200 XP

Brief Audio
Turner knows we’re getting close: he’s making a move on various soft targets all around the globe… he wants to use these hostage scenarios to divide the Coalition’s resources and pick us off one at a time.”
Sebastien Hennequet
Alternate Brief Audio
“The Phoenix are making a move on various soft targets all around the globe… get out there and save those hostages!”
Sebastien Hennequet

Shooting Safari  (518)

Mission Unlock(s) Reward
Score 16 Competitive round wins in matches on Zoo.

400 XP

Brief Audio
“Before Turner became a traitor he was a world class operator. With his instincts and ability to control sightlines he was once able to single handedly(sic) stop a terrorist plot to destroy the bay area zoo. The way he told the story, he said he was able to kill The Phoenix and enjoy a dolphin show at the same time.”
Sebastien Hennequet

Scene of the Crime  (519)

Mission Unlock(s) Reward
Score 16 Competitive round wins in matches on Mirage.

400 XP

Brief Audio
“The seeds of Turner’s betrayal began after a routine operation in the Maghreb region. Valeria’s agents were looking to bomb a shopping district, and we moved to stop them. He must have killed a dozen men from the palace interior, but after the skirmish he came home changed… Valeria had reached out to him: and he was swayed by her silver tongue.”
Sebastien Hennequet

Tag Team Back Again  (520)

Mission Unlock(s) Reward
Guardian Co-op Challenge: Play as a Counter-Terrorist with a partner and protect the bombsite from enemies on Mirage.

Score a win by getting 15 enemy kills with AWP. Max money is limited on this mission.

Note: Players spawn with the Five-SeveN.

300 XP
+120 XP-if within the first 3 rounds

Brief Audio
Turner’s forces are bearing down on you. Remember your training and use the AWP to control the bombsite. It’s just the two of you out there, so be smart and cover each other’s backs.”
Sebastien Hennequet
Alternate Brief Audio
“Phoenix forces are bearing down on you. Remember your training and use the AWP to control the bombsite. It’s just the two of you out there, so be smart and cover each other’s backs.”
Sebastien Hennequet

Practice Makes Perfect  (521)

Mission Unlock(s) Reward
Score 50 kills in Arms Race: Safehouse matches.

400 XP
+16 XP per kill-when with a melee weapon.

Brief Audio
Turner’s cell is licking its wounds, but we can’t afford to be complacent. It’s time for another weapons training exercise… when Turner peeks his head out, we’ll be ready to take it off.”
Sebastien Hennequet
Alternate Brief Audio
“Turner’s cell is licking it’s wounds, but we can’t afford to be complacent. It’s time for another weapons training exercise…”
Sebastien Hennequet

Nuclear Options  (522)

Mission Unlock(s) Reward
Score 16 Competitive rounds wins in matches on Train.

400 XP

Brief Audio
Valeria sent Turner on a mission to prove his devotion to the cause - the hijacking and transport of weapons grade plutonium. One of his favorite tactics was taking control of offices overlooking the train yard, converting them to effective sniper’s nests.”
Sebastien Hennequet

Ripples Across the Pond  (523)

Mission Unlock(s) Reward
Score 32 Competitive rounds wins in matches on Overpass.

400 XP

Brief Audio
“The death of Lord William sent ripples across Europe. Soon Anarchists spouting the propaganda of The Phoenix took to the streets. The only reason we held them off was because we were able to maintain the upper park.”
Sebastien Hennequet

Things to Come  (524)

Mission Unlock(s) Reward
Score 32 Competitive rounds wins in matches on Cache.

Challenge Award: ★★
Csgo-campaign-difficulty complete 2

400 XP

Brief Audio
“Our last encounter with Turner was our most chilling. He was using the rafters at bombsite B to pick us off one by one. We drove them off… but not before they were able to destroy information regarding their cell: all we know for sure is that The Phoenix are preparing to hit a new civilian target.”
Sebastien Hennequet
Alternate Brief Audio
“We once encountered Turner in a compound like this one… He was using the rafters at bombsite B to pick us off one by one. We drove them off… but not before they were able to destroy information regarding their cell: all we know for sure is that the Phoenix are preparing to hit a new civilian target.”
Sebastien Hennequet

Hunts End  (525)

Mission Unlock(s) Reward
Find and kill the terrorist Turner in Casual: Agency matches.

Challenge Award: ★★★
Csgo-campaign-difficulty complete 3

300 XP

Brief Audio
“This is the moment we’ve been waiting for: We’ve confirmed that Turner is among the operators at this hostage situation. If you see him in the engagement, don’t hesitate to take him out.”
Sebastien Hennequet

The Buddy System  (526)

Mission Unlock(s) Reward
Guardian Co-op Challenge: Play as a Counter-Terrorist with a partner and protect the bombsite from enemies on Dust.

Score a win by getting 15 enemy kills with M4A4.

Note: Players spawn with the Five-SeveN.

300 XP
+60 XP-if within the first 4 rounds.

Brief Audio
Turner’s men are spreading across the Maghreb, looking to destroy villages that are unsympathetic to The Phoenix’s cause. In order to protect these people, we need to split up. Take another operator and guard the bombsite. Remember, this isn’t a standard mission: do not. Leave. The bombsite.”
Sebastien Hennequet

From Their Cold Dead Hands  (527)

Mission Unlock(s) Reward
Guardian Co-op Challenge: Play as a Counter-Terrorist with a partner and protect the bombsite from enemies on Dust II.

Score a win by getting 25 enemy kills with AK-47.

Note: Players spawn with the Five-SeveN.

400 XP
+200 XP-if within the first 3 rounds.

Brief Audio
“In the field we always have to reassess our surroundings and improvise. This exercise is about not relying on Coalition resources… take out the enemy, then use their own weapons against them.”
Sebastien Hennequet

Once I Was Afraid  (528)

Mission Unlock(s) Reward
Guardian Co-op Challenge: Play as a Counter-Terrorist with a partner and protect the bombsite from enemies on Crashsite.

Score a win by getting 50 enemy kills with Any Weapon.
Cannot buy on this mission.

Note: Players spawn with the MP7 and Five-SeveN.

500 XP
+250 XP-if within the first 3 rounds.

Brief Audio
“I received word that your transport chopper was shot down over the Maghreb. Evac is coming, but it’s going to take time. The two of you can survive this, just stick together and remember what I’ve taught you.”
Sebastien Hennequet

An Independent Contractor  (529)

Mission Unlock(s) Reward
As a Counter-Terrorist, earn a total of $1,000,000 in Casual: Op. Bloodhound Group matches.

600 XP

Brief Audio
“So you’re the operator everyone’s all in a fuss about. I’m sure helping out Mr. Hennequet on his vengeance quest is fun, but if you’re interested in being more than an old man’s catspaw, we should talk. The name’s Booth… and I’m always looking for talented individuals to make money with.”

Fowl Play  (530)

Mission Unlock(s) Reward
As a Counter-Terrorist, score 300 chicken kills in Deathmatch: Op. Bloodhound Group matches.

600 XP
+1 XP per kill-when in a chicken kill streak of 2 or more.

Brief Audio
“What do you say we do a little Zen exercise? While you’re on the field, hunt some chickens for me. Naturally I’m sure you’re wondering why I’d ask for something so ludicrous. Maybe I’m looking for you to test my wares… perhaps I’m judging how well you follow instructions… or maybe I just really hate chickens. Either way, do what I ask and you will be rewarded.”

A Most Violent Job Interview  (531)

Mission Unlock(s) Reward
As a Counter-Terrorist in Casual: Op. Bloodhound Group matches, earn mission progress for each kill accomplished with a unique weapon.

Total kills required: 100

600 XP
+6 XP per kill-when using someone else's gun.

Brief Audio
“As much as I like to believe that people respect my business practices, the reality is that I sell guns to people who like to use them… And eventually they might want to use them on me. Show me that you can take whatever the world throws at you, and let the bodies of your enemies tell the story of your victory. Do this… and I will happily put you on retainer.”
Alternate Brief Audio
Chase Turner was a man of conviction and talent… it’s a shame that you killed him. But there’s no point in dwelling on the past, we need to move forward. Killing Turner puts you into a very special tier of operators… and I have a special task for someone with your skillset.”
